Take Off With the Cloud in 2014

It’s a new year for technology and a new year for business and cloud computing is ringing in 2014 just right by offering plenty of benefits for just about every facet of business.


From storage needs to enhanced security and data recovery, the cloud is making business life that much easier.

With data diligence in mind, here are just a handful of ways the cloud can help your business with all things information management:

Business Friendly Scalability

Businesses change in size all the time and with that change comes different data storage requirements. From company files to customer information, the cloud can handle just about any data storage increase or decrease your business can throw its way.

Sure, ordinary networks can handle change too, but not with the ease and accommodation of cloud computing.

Depending on the cloud service provider, last minute data storage increases are no problem because the network and its servers are always ready and more than capable of scaling to meet your business’s needs.

Maintenance-Free Hardware

Hardware maintenance and upkeep costs businesses time and money, but it doesn’t have to with the cloud.

Because the cloud is housed elsewhere, your business doesn’t have to worry about outdated equipment, haywire servers, or providing precious square footage for that hardware.

Cloud service providers are responsible for the upkeep of all their equipment, which also means most IT needs are taken care of through the cloud as well.

Likewise, in terms of protection and data recovery, the cloud provides state-of-the-art antiviral and data backup services.

Never-Ending Storage Needs

Scalability is one thing, but the expanse of that scalability is something else entirely.

The cloud offers an almost never-ending supply of data storage, which gives a whole new meaning to big data and information management.

Not all cloud service providers are built the same, but most are equipped with enough server power to take on all of your business’s storage needs and then some. Considering the handling of digital data is quickly becoming a top priority for businesses large and small, the cloud is an essential tool for every office.

Business Budgeting

From hardware and software upgrades to the IT staff, running an in-house network is a costly undertaking. Cloud computing is a cost-conscious way to manage your business’s storage needs because it’s data storage in an a la carte format.

In other words, instead of committing to a certain level of technology within the office, the cloud allows businesses to choose storage particulars based on need as well as price.

Whether it’s a complete data storage package or storage by the gigabyte, cloud computing is an affordable alternative to the price commitment of in-house networking.

Optimized Accessibility

Ask anyone in the business world and they’ll tell you: information accessibility is the key to running a business successfully.

If you can’t take your business with you everywhere you go, then you’re at disadvantage, especially considering mobile technology is the new norm.

The cloud allows users to access any and every type of digitized information securely from anywhere regardless of whether it’s 9 to 5 or not. When equipped with accessibility, businesses are able to grow beyond the constraints of the office walls.

As the New Year brings new data challenges for your business, the cloud can help you with all your storage needs.

About the Author: Adam Groff is a freelance writer and creator of content. He writes on a variety of topics including social media and digital technology.

License: Creative Commons image source

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