How Customer Chat Support Can Take Your Business to the Next Level

There are many qualities that lead to the success of the world’s top businesses, but one of the things they all have in common is a dedication to customer service. Customers are the bread and butter of any business, and if you set out to please the customer, you’ll have a business that’s sure to take off.

Customer chat support is one of the leading ways to meet customer’s needs in the modern age. But how does live chat work, and how can it help your company? Keep reading to learn more about how customer chat support can have a positive impact on your business.

How Does Live Chat Work on a Website?

Live chat can be added to any website by simply installing a chat widget. The widget will be visible on the front end of the website so visitors can click through to instantly chat with a customer service agent.

The agent’s chat platform will look different from the consumer’s. On this end, the agent will be able to toggle between multiple chats at one time, depending on the priority of the conversation. They’ll converse in real time and ideally be able to answer questions and resolve issues much quicker than they would over the phone.

Does Live Chat Increase Sales?

Live chat is an incredible way to increase sales for any type of business. This feature can improve sales by boosting conversion, by increasing rates of lead generation, and by lowering the resolution time for customer service issues.

The facts don’t lie: customers who chat before making a purchase on a website spend an average of 10% more on their order than those who don’t chat before making a purchase. This is one reason shoppers who use chat are worth 4.5 times as much as those customers who don’t use chat.

Thanks to how effective it is, the popularity of live chat is on the rise. In fact, 53% of customers would rather use online chat than have to call a company for help. Many customers even prefer live chat over email and social media forums, and 82% of customers say they would use live chat if available on a mobile device.

Live chat session

How Do I Optimize Live Chat?

With all the power live chat holds, it’s important to optimize the experience for both customer service agents and website visitors. Here are some ideas on how to make the most of live chat:

  • Time your chat invitations wisely. Most chat widgets allow you to choose when a chat invitation pops up on the page. Time your pop-up so that the website visitor starts chatting before they get frustrated, but allow them a minute or two to explore the page.
  • Make it user-friendly. Customers want the user experience to be dead-simple. Choose a live chat feature that is well-designed and easy to use.
  • Be personable. Live chat is a unique chance to talk directly to customers in a less formal tone. Capitalize on this opportunity by instructing agents to be friendly and conversational.
  • Use analytics. Want to know what you’re doing right? Use analytics to see which website visitors are converting, how much they’re spending, and how long they’re chatting.

Is Live Chat Safe?

Live chat is very safe for businesses, as long as you choose a reputable software company. Look for a live chat feature that has secure connections and allows you to block IP addresses if a website visitor is spamming the agents. It’s also important to find a company that offers 24-hour support and allows you to customize access depending on which agent is using the system.

How Do You Handle Multiple Chats?

There are many ways to make handling multiple chats more efficient and streamlined. Consider trying these tips to simplify the task:

  • Utilize FAQs. If you’re getting many of the same questions over and over, your agents can direct website visitors to a FAQ page to get quick answers.
  • Prioritize chats. Many live chat widgets will prioritize conversations depending on how long the visitor has been waiting for a response. This will allow agents to know who to respond to first.
  • Start out slow. Agents will become more efficient over time, but it’s best to start out with fewer chat slots than to stretch agents too thin. The average agent can handle 5 chats at one time.
  • Use shortcuts. It’s best to use natural, personable language in your chats. However, you can speed up the chat process by using shortcuts to predict words or phrases your agents are typing out.

Dealing with angry customer

How Do You Handle an Irate Customer in Chat?

Most live chats will be pleasant and relatively easy for agents to handle. But occasionally, an angry person will come along. Train agents on how to handle these types of customers with professionalism and a cool head. Here are some best practices:

  • Listen. Angry customers may cool off if you simply hear them out. Stay calm and make sure you understand their problem before responding.
  • Don’t take it personally. Because the person can’t see or hear the agent on the other end, they may take the liberty of being more aggressive. Remind agents not to take the anger personally.
  • Admit mistakes. Some customers may be angry because of a mistake your company made. If this is the case, admit fault and try to make it right.
  • Don’t leave them waiting. The more upset a customer is, the less likely they’ll be willing to wait for a response. Prioritize angry customers and respond to them first.

Using Chat in Your Business

Live chat is an exciting opportunity for any business wanting to boost conversions and leads. Follow these tips to successfully implement and optimize your live chat for your company.

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