Top 8 Web Development Trends of 2019

It doesn’t matter whether you have a website for business or pleasure, you need people to visit it!

However, in order for people to visit, your site needs to stay relevant and you’ll need to make sure that you’re aware of all the latest web development trends. This is the most effective way to be the first site people think of rather than the last.

Of course, you should also ensure your website is fast, this will stop people clicking away before the page has fully loaded.

The following 8 web developments are topping the trends at the moment. However;, it is important to stay aware of what is happening in web development and in your specific industry. Technology changes quickly and what is trending this month may not be next month!

If you need help dealing with and staying on top of web development, you need to contact a specialist, such as Web Designer Parramatta. They can do the work for you, allowing you to focus on developing and improving your business.

Chatbot trends

1. AI

It will come as no surprise that Artificial Intelligence is one of the main web development trends, especially in the public cloud. Virtual chatbots are a great example of this and a field that is rapidly developing. You’ll want to include it in your website.

2. JavaScript

This has been the most popular computer language for 6 years and it seems set to continue. In fact, the framework, design options and libraries are being constantly updated, ensuring that every user has the flexibility to meet any need they can think of.

3. Single Page

This is actually based on JavaScript and does exactly what it says, creates single page websites which are easier to load, navigate, and use. This makes single page a great option when people are accessing websites via tablets and other mobile devices.

4. Mobile

An increasing number of people now access the web via a mobile device. Websites which remember this and use touch controls, as well as re-sizing easily, are going to be increasingly popular.

Your site does need to cater to desktop users, but it must also address mobile access or risk losing potential customers.

Progressive web app

5. Progressive Web App

The best thing about PWA technology is that the page will load instantly, even if the connection is poor. This makes them a great option for mobile users and plenty of people who have poor broadband connections or slow computer equipment.

It’s also easy to install and very simple to use.

6. Motion UI

You need graphics on your web pages and motion UI is the way forward. In short, it acts like a library, allowing a seamless interaction between all types of content.

The better your site looks the easier it will be to retain customers.

7. Security

Data thefts have become big news and a big problem. This is why cyber security is becoming a very popular trend and one that won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.

You need to take security seriously and assume you’ll be targeted, even if it seems unlikely.

8. Blockchain

Bitcoin is the start of blockchain technology and, in reality, a field that is likely to grow rapidly over the next few years.

Bitcoin will reduce financial costs and improve transparency, it also improves the security of your site.  The blockchain itself is said to be the backbone of the new Internet.

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