7 Ways Cloud Computing Is Revolutionizing Aerospace And Defense

Cloud platforms have increasingly become a viable option for government programs and now aerospace and defense have begun implementing a cloud computing strategy as part of their IT modernization initiatives. The Department of Defense recently published their cloud computing plans which reflect the current state of aerospace and defense.


The new cloud platform strategies will revolutionize the way these two industries collaborate and break down many barriers of the past that inhibited interaction. Defense is also planning a 20% cost reduction as a result of their moving to cloud computing. With the move to the cloud, aerospace and defense will have to increase their security measures but there are a number of ways they both stand to benefit once the switch has been accomplished.

Reduce Compliance Reporting Costs

The CIO of defense had recently discovered that compliance and quality management systems were siloed over time and it would have cost $700,000 to integrate the systems.  With a cloud-based compliance and quality management system they will be able to avert these costs as well as reduce reporting workloads.

Mobile Device Management Used for Product Design

With a cloud platform, A&D will be able to include designed-in support for situational and battlefield awareness systems.  Relying on mobility platforms will streamline production data management including Computer Aided Design and work instructions on the shop floor.

Reduce Tooling Costs

Tooling costs can account for up 67% of the total development cost for a commercial aerospace contract.  Cloud computing has already proven to reduce the cost and time of tooling by saving prior configurations and calibrating machine tools on the production floor.

Chief Information Officers Contribute More as Strategists

The decades old systems of running production in A&D has left CIOs as merely caretakers of legacy systems.  Cloud computing in aerospace and defense will push them into a more active role as strategists where they can make important contributions.

Increase Collaboration by Breaking down Silos

The industries of aerospace and defense have seen many barriers to collaboration due to their silos which cloud computing will work to break down.  Cloud computing will make data locked in legacy systems available project, division and company-wide.

Defense is Increasing Cloud Security Development

The higher demands for security as the Department of Defense moves to the cloud have led them to push past the levels of off-the-shelf cloud security platforms currently available.  This means cloud computing will have better security as a result of defense’s custom development.

20% Cost Reduction for Defense Agencies

Cloud computing will work to consolidate collaboration applications resulting in a 20% cost reduction as the Lt. General plans to achieve.  This is one of the main objectives for the department of the defense in their cloud computing strategy.

By lowering costs in a number of ways, pushing forward cloud security and increasing collaboration the departments of Aerospace and Defense will see their work improved dramatically after moving to a cloud-based system.  Their effort to modernize their IT systems with the use of cloud computing will change the way the two industries operate for the better.

About the Author: Leo Hart follows the aerospace and defense industry and is a cloud computing expert form his time spent working with Custom Cloud.

License: Creative Commons image source

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