How to Launch Digital Magazine for iPhone and iPad in the Cloud

cloud magazine platformInterested in running a digital magazine in the cloud? Soon-to-be-launched Knovial Digital Magazine Platform allows you to build interactive digital magazines for iPhone and iPad. How a cloud-enabled digital magazine can give your business a competitive edge – even allows you to startup a business around the new, mobile-friendly digital magazine concept?

Sure, we all know that the Internet is one, big cloud. However, there are fundamental differences between cloud-powered sites and the rest – something that makes Knovial Digital Magazine Platform a powerful platform for small business launching a digital magazine.

Magazine creation services in a single dashboard

SaaS solutions offer you the capability to manage everything from a web-based interface. Unlike other content creator for mobile devices, Knovial’s Cloud Magazine Platform allows you to manage your online magazine content in the cloud, while accessing tools and services – including the ability to request unlimited number of changes to Knovial team at no additional cost – all managed from a single dashboard.

Run your entire magazine business in the cloud

Popular content creators for mobile devices are powerful, but typically not offering a complete solution.

With Knovial Digital Magazine Platform, you actually run your magazine business in the cloud. A true one-stop small business cloud platform, Knovial allows you to work on your digital magazine as a (real) business… You can manage everything from Knovial dashboard, including the ability to outsource nearly everything to Knovial team – your digital magazine design, content, etc. You can also manage account information and order history for your magazines, allow purchases done in-app, etc. – more details coming up… read on.

Feature-rich magazine creation platform

As one of Knovial small business cloud platform’s cutting-edge services, Knovial Digital Magazine Platform lets you bring your digital magazine site development management to the cloud – with all the features that come with it.

Some of Knovial Digital Magazine Platform features include:

  • Pages navigation by swipe gestures.
  • View and download magazine issues – and do other things instead of waiting for the download to complete.
  • Create one magazine issue that works on both iPhone and iPad.
  • Embed unlimited number of pictures and videos in your pages.
  • Create interactive photos and videos galleries.
  • A built-in browser lets your readers to open URLs on the same window, preventing them from leaving your magazine.
  • You can allow users to download and re-download magazine issues as they are stored in the cloud.
  • Knovial cloud platform manages all account information and order history for your magazines, including the download counts and times the magazine issues read.
  • In-app purchases made possible for your readers.

Knovial boosts your ROI

Despite the premium priced service plan, Knovial supports unlimited growth to your digital magazine. As your digital magazine grow, a dedicated hosting can cost you hundreds of dollar a month plus thousands of dollar a month required to run your digital magazine business. Hosting your online magazine in the cloud with Knovial would only cost you $1299/month – all inclusive – with unlimited access for your digital magazine design and management services – all well taken care of by Knovial team and cloud platform.

The above means that you can reach your ROI faster.

More about Knovial’s Digital Magazine Platform »

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