5 Cybersecurity Tips for Businesses

Every business needs to consider cybersecurity as it has the potential to destroy a business and cybercrime is on the rise. New threats are continually being developed, and they are becoming increasingly advanced. Still, the good news is that there are several ways that you can protect your business which should help you to avoid falling victim and allowing you to carry out your work each day with confidence knowing that you are protected.

Cybersecurity measures

If you are looking to upgrade your cybersecurity and protect your business in 2020 then read on for a few essential cybersecurity tips which will sure-up your defense.

1. Two-Factor Authentication

Employees must be using random, complex passwords to protect their accounts, but you can add another layer of security with two-factor authentication, which can bolster your defense. This usually involves answering a question or having a code sent to a device to gain access and can stop cyber criminals if they manage to get through the first layer of defense.

2. VPN

In a time where more employees are working remotely and using their own devices for work, you must protect the device, data and systems when using public Wi-Fi or an unsecured network. This is possible through the use of a VPN which masks your IP address and creates a secured, private network so that you can safely access and send data.

3. Endpoint Detection Platform

With businesses having so many endpoints to protect, it can be challenging to develop a comprehensive cybersecurity defense system which is why you will benefit from an endpoint detection platform. So, what is an endpoint protection platform? This is software which monitors and detects changes which could indicate an attack on any endpoint with an automated response to contain them and to notify security personnel. This will help you to protect all devices, data, and the system so that you can operate with confidence each day.

Cloud data backup

4. External Backups

Backing up data externally with copies kept off-site (and checked regularly) is essential for protecting your business and data. Having external backups ensures that you will not suffer downtime in the event of a breach, it means that data is never lost or damage and protects you from ransomware (one of the most common forms of cybercrime affecting businesses).

5. Automatic Software Updates

Software regularly needs updating so that it can be kept secure from the latest threats, and you must always keep all software updated. It is very easy to forget to do this, which is why it is intelligent to use automatic software updates so that the latest version is downloaded as soon as it is available for protection against the latest threats.

Follow these tips, and you will be able to protect your business from cybercrime and be able to work with confidence each day. Cybercrime is a growing problem for businesses, but when you know how to protect yourself and make cybersecurity a priority, you will be able to stay safe and combat the latest threats.

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