Make The Most of your Call Centre Data with Effective Reporting

The key to making the most of the data that your phone system, CRM and call tracking tools collect lies in implementing call centre reporting best practices. Find out the best methods for maximising your growth potential using your call centre data.

Call centre data reporting

Track and analyse your customer experience

Understanding your customer service performance is integral to effective call centre reporting. Grades of service, abandon call rates and abandon call profiles are all important metrics for gauging customer experience. Call centre managers should also pay attention to:

Queue times

A common call centre reporting mistake is to prioritise AHT (average handling time) as the most important customer service metric. But limiting AHT can be counter-productive. For example, if an agent ends a call prematurely to meet KPIs, this can cause a negative customer experience. Instead, reports should monitor queue times, since long queues invariably cause a negative customer reactions. This Total Recorder solution, from PBX Hosting, allows you to track queue times and to define a maximum wait time. As soon as a customer has gone beyond that timeframe, they are automatically transferred to another agent.

First contact resolutions

The percentage of first contact resolutions is one of the most important call centre metrics. First contact resolution refers to a having their issue solved on their first call. If a customer has to call back multiple times, this is a strong indicator of agent inefficiency.

Consolidate data across your call centres

If you have multiple call centres, it is imperative that you collate and compare data from all of them. This will give you a valuable overview of your overall call centre performance:

Benchmark call centre reporting

You may have different service levels across different call centres. Variables in teams, environments and management can cause discrepancies in competency and overall customer experience. Benchmarking forces you to acknowledge these inconsistencies. It is a vital process reporting practise for identifying strengths and inefficiencies across all your contact hubs, and ensuring that all your call centres are performing at their best.

Don’t Ignore The Data That Your Call Centre Phone System Collects

The right telephony solution for your call centre can even take care of reporting for you. PBX Hosting’s advanced call centre solution collects data and automates bespoke reports based on the metrics you value. Nominated recipients will receive these reports via email on a periodic basis of your choosing. This solution also allows you to create specific reports on an ad-hoc basis, should the need arise.

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