Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining – However Not Every Cloud Has The Ability To Jam And Rock!

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The way in which we store and listen to music has changed a great deal over the years. The first advancement in modern music technology came in 1979 when the world was introduced to the Walkman. A whole generation will have no idea about the Walkman, what it did, or what it stood for. However, there was a time when the name “Walkman” was just as famous (if not more) than the name “iPod” is nowadays.

Music Storage

The way in which we store music and the capacity for storage has also changed a great deal. The audio cassettes used in Walkman’s could store up to 2-3 hours of music. CD’s then came into play and would typically store up to an hour and a half to two hours worth of music. Then as the digital age was upon us the introduction of MP3 and its digital file storage solution was the obvious next step.


The next chapter in music storage was the iPod, which over a period of 10 years saw storage levels increase from 5GB to 160GB. This invention allowed us to store enough music to play over a whole week on a tiny little device. In addition to this there were SD cards created, which allowed you to remove media data from your device. However, SD cards, like so many other music devices, can only store so much data and media as well.

Cloud Computing and Amazon Cloud Player

We are now finally in the next stage of the process – cloud computing. This works especially well in two ways, firstly, you can store your songs in the “clouds” or to put it in laymen’s terms, you can store your music to remote computers. This in turn allows you to have much more space available on your computer or your music listening device of choice.

Secondly, this type of storage gives you the ability to access your music files from the device of your choice. You can even instantly sync all your music files with all of your music devices, as this is exactly what Amazon Cloud Player allows you to do. You can immediately access and listen to songs that have been uploaded to your Amazon Cloud.

You will receive 5GB of storage completely free from Amazon, and should you wish to, you can increase the amount of storage you have by paying an additional fee. You have the option to purchase songs directly from Amazon, which will then be stored in your cloud automatically. Alternatively, simply upload songs and music files from your computer and then use your iPad or Android device’s cloud player app to listen to your songs.

Amazon Cloud Player offers you the best of both worlds – a fantastic way to stream audio and also the use of cloud computing to ensure that you have as much music as you will ever need on your favourite device. The number of features it offers has completely changed the way in which we view personal stereos and listening to music on the move.

About the Author: Today’s guest author, Philip Smith, is a sales executive at 3xL, a store for CD printing in Sydney, Australia. He enjoys cooking and listening to music in his spare time.

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