Disaster-Proof Your Data With Cloud Backups

cloud backup

Data loss is one of the most devastating things that can happen to the owner of a computer, tablet or phone. Businesses tend to amass a lot of data that is invaluable, and crucial to the operations of the business.

Computer technology enabled the easier and safer storage of these huge amounts of data into the computer’s hard disk, or any other storage device. Due to accidents, such as theft of computer or damage to its components, data was usually permanently lost. This situation was also experienced by other computer users such as hospitals and government offices.

To protect data and come up with a foolproof way of storing it, technical experts invented cloud backups. Also referred to as internet backup, this is a method of backing up a user’s computer data to the internet for later use. It provides a foolproof way of storing data, since the user is guaranteed that the data can never be lost unless the internet completely breaks down, which is now almost impossible. The only thing that would bring the internet to a point of total loss is a worldwide catastrophe that would take us back to the Stone Age.

Multiple devices

As a computer user, and by computer I also mean other modern devices such as tablets, Smartphones and laptops, you should ensure that you have always backed up your data by the end of the day. The best way to do this, if you use a desktop or a personal computer, is to install a backup software program.

To use the software you must be connected to an online backup service provider. To get a provider you can simply search the internet for the most popular ones, and then set up an account. Some sites will charge you a fee for their backup services.

Configure your computer for cloud backups

After creating the destination server (of the online backup service provider) you can then configure your computer to backup data to the specified server at certain periods of time, usually once a day. It should be noted that backing up data, especially huge amounts, consumes large amounts of internet data. For this reason, the best internet connection to use for this operation is wireless internet. You should also configure the backup to run when the computer is idle, such as during the night.

For phones and tablets, the manufacturers usually create inbuilt software to backup the data to a pre arranged server location at no extra cost to the user.

When data is backed-up online, the owner can easily access it from any device with an internet connection, by submitting the account password and username at the service provider’s site. This data can also be easily accessed by other authorised parties.

About the Author: An expert on data storage and backup, David Hamer has had many articles published on this topic.

Image by FutUndBeidl

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