Insightful SaaS and Cloud Business CEO Interviews from

cloud business ceo interviewsIf you are still have this question in your mind – “what is cloud computing?” “Is cloud computing for my business?” etc. – there is no better explanations other than those coming from the CEOs of SaaS and Cloud companies themselves.

I have just stumbled on the latest blog post from the official blog of, a directory of SaaS and cloud applications; the blog post is about some of the interviews with SaaS and cloud business CEOs.

You can expect a great wealth of information and insights from the CEOs: There are more than 1,400 SaaS and cloud computing vendors has been working with.

Some of the cloud business CEO interviews, including the interview with Sridhar Vembu (CEO and Co-Founder of Zoho,) Andrew Lutts (CEO of Net Atlantic Inc,) Dan Latendre (CEO of Igloo Software,) Eric Harrington (COO of TeamSupport,) and many more.

My personal favorite? The interview with Zoho CEO and Co-Founder, Sridhar Vembu.

My favorite Q-and-A part:

GETAPP.COM: Are you a cloud or a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) company?

SRIDHAR: We provide SaaS business software. But it doesn’t really matter – now everything is cloud, cloud, cloud… so cloud has ceased to be a “differentiator”. I mean seriously… has GetApp listed any non-SaaS software in the last year?

Well said, Mr. Vembu – the cloud has ceased to be a differentiator; it will (or has?) become mainstream… let’s face it: We are living in the cloud – people just don’t realize it, yet!

Are you using Yahoo! mail or Gmail? You are in the cloud. When you are reading this blog post, you are doing so in the cloud. In other words, you can’t escape the cloud 🙂

If you want to learn a great deal about cloud computing, be sure to check out all the interviews from’s list of cloud computing CEO interviews.

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