A Guide to Embracing the Cloud Revolution

cloud revolutionAre you still not sure what cloud computing is? You are not alone. In fact, many individuals and businesses are not sure they know about the cloud – even though they have been in one all along for some time.

Indeed, cloud technologies are rapidly advancing, leaving the unsuspecting business owners behind. Many are trying to stay away from technology (technophobia) – but I would recommend you to face your fear; the cloud is here to stay and it’s disrupting everything, from the way you do business to your competitiveness.

You only have two options – it’s whether you embrace it or be left behind. Your choice.

Well, it would be wise to just embrace disruption. Why? Because whether you like it or not, you WILL be attracted to use the new solutions and services. Why? Because if you don’t your competitors will; and you know what it means if your competitors are embracing the tools and services allowing them to leverage more of their resources.

Well, no worries! It’s not too late to learn about the cloud basics. I have 2 resources to share with you: a manifesto and an infographic.

A must read manifesto

Well, this one is yet to launch, but if you are willing to wait, it will be a worth-reading: Embracing Disruption – a Cloud Revolution Manifesto.

The manifesto, co-authored by Brad Carleton and Nathan Toups – both techpreneurs, is purposed for everyone to get better understanding on what’s happening around us, tech-wise. As many of us are not aware that we are in fact using the cloud on regular basis (Facebook or Gmail, anyone?) the manifesto will help you introduce the cloud revolution, allowing you to ask the right questions and take the right actions.

But you must be patient, though…it’s not launched, just yet… it will be completed by March 1st, 2013 and a party will be held to celebrate the launch. It’s crowd-funded via KickStarter, and has reached the goal of $5,000 by Nov 29th. The fund will be used to ship printed manifestos, along with all the rewards as mentioned in their KickStarter project page.

Just in case you cannot wait, here’s a free guide on cloud computing you can download today.

A must-viewed cloud computing infographic

I love infographics, and this cloud computing infographic has caught my eyes as it shares the facts and fictions related to the cloud. Pretty revealing, and in just 5 minutes time, you will be able to understand more about the cloud than 80% of us – seriously.

Check this out (via DeVry University’s Know-How):

cloud infographic

Why the above infographic is a must-viewed? Because according to it, 22 percent of Americans are pretending to know about the cloud! This infographic can give you some basic understanding that many of us don’t know about.


The cloud is a huge, exciting and always-evolving world. Whether you like it or not, we are now living in the cloud… we just can’t stay away from our mobile phones; we need to visit Facebook on regular basis; we need to check our emails; we need to Skype clients; and so on.

It’s only natural for you to get proper knowledge of something that is inevitable. Indeed, the cloud revolution is here – embrace it!

Cover photo credit: {Guerrilla Futures | Jason Tester} via photopin cc

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