Cloud e-learning software on Google Apps Marketplace

docebo reviewWhen looking for an E-Learning platform, you usually have to think about pricing, usability and compatibility. Thanks to cloud technology, these 3 things are no more issues, and this is why E-Learning is quickly going “on the cloud” with new “SaaS” solutions.

Google Apps marketplace recently listed a new distance training platform, that is pretty “new” because of its features: “Docebo E-Learning” it’s somehow different from other LMS, since it can be activated from marketplace with the first 10 users free to be managed. Then you can purchase more users with a PPU formula (this software is still on beta, so it is not possible to buy users yet.. no information about beta ending are provided by now).

But the most interesting thing about this LMS is that it has courses already installed and ready to be used. In a few words, you can activate it and start with your 10 users an “e-learning pilot project” using also these full-courses included. So you can get your own idea about this software, basically at no cost, and in the meanwhile try out English language courses, management etc.. (note: courses are only in English and Italian language). Moreover, if you have scorm packages or files, you’re free to upload them into the platform and using them immediately.

What’s wrong then? Well, by now everything seems to be fine: the LMS is really user-friendly and powerful for distance training. Anyway, like every “SaaS” software, also Docebo E-Learning asks for annual payments. Price-per-user is quite low, but maybe not everybody can afford an annual fee to be paid immediately. The good news is, as said before, that you can try it deeply for free, so you have all the time to decide whether it worth.

Finally, this platform is installed “on the cloud”, so you don’t have to manage servers, databases, etc. There is a SLA that guarantees a 99% of uptime: The uptime status can be verified on help desk website, where you can also find free and paid support, depending on the software version you are using (up to 10 users is free, then you get premium help desk).

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