OpenPhoto Photo Sharing Cloud Application: Promising?

openphoto crowd funding projectIf you are someone who are interested in everything cloud and eager in helping a great business idea to be turned into reality, you have a chance to do so today. Here is a cloud project you might be interested: OpenPhoto.

OpenPhoto is a photo sharing service that allows you to store photos, tags and comments into your cloud storage account, such as Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloudfiles or Dropbox. You can easily upload, search and share your photos via Email, Twitter, Facebook, etc. This would be a cool cloud app that answers many needs.

OpenPhoto is also an open source project – if you are a web programmer yourself, you can develop any photos sharing applications using OpenPhoto codes.

OpenPhoto is a brain-child of Jaisen Mathai, who left his job as Yahoo! engineer to pursue the cloud app project.

The idea is there, but to turn it into reality, OpenPhoto needs startup capital – $25,000 to be exact.

In order to achieve the goal, Jaisen publish the project at KickStarter, one of the biggest crowd funding platforms allowing you to support entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into realities.

You can actually take part in Jaisen’s effort to kick off the development of OpenPhoto by pledging as little as $5 into the project.

Of course, like any crowd funding projects, you won’t get any return on investment though; however, you will receive some benefits, such as getting your name as a supporter of the OpenPhoto project, t-shirt, installation service, and many more.

You can view the OpenPhoto project video here:

If you are interested in learning more about the cloud project, please visit OpenPhoto project page on KickStarter.

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